Why Choose Us

  • We are a clinician-owned and operated psychiatry and behavioral health practice that is academically inclined and intellectually mobile, hence we continue to disseminate and impact knowledge, provide evidence-based treatment using updated treatment guidelines and care individualization.
  • We provide superior psychiatric/behavioral management solutions through tested top clinicians, innovation, and technology.
  • We are detail oriented. Hence, we conduct comprehensive assessments and individualize care based on evidence-based practice while taking into account standard treatment guidelines.
  • We can help facilitate inpatient psychiatric admission for patients that meet the criteria for inpatient admission when beds are available.
  • We have providers that have served as adjunct clinical faculty in psychiatric nurse practitioner programs, with hospital affiliation and robust clinical experiences/exposures in varieties of settings and love teaching.
  • We are great team players. Hence, we keep an open collaboration and amplify communication with our stakeholders, which includes but is not limited to our clientele, their patients, and families when indicated.
  • We continuously strive to always provide superb quality, cost-effective evidence-based psychiatric and behavioral services that delight our stakeholders, be it skilled nursing homes, assisted living facilities, schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, community-based programs, group homes, Residential facilities, correctional facilities, etc.

We partner with all.